Manifestations chez Foxconn en Chine : la plus grande usine d’iPhone en proie aux violences

SurnommĂ©e « iPhone city », l’usine de Zhengzhou en Chine, plus grand site au monde de fabrication du tĂ©lĂ©phone d’Apple, est perturbĂ©e depuis octobre par un foyer de Covid et a Ă©tĂ© secouĂ©e mercredi 23 novembre par des manifestations d’employĂ©s.
#Foxconn #Manifestations #Chine

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  1. Vous ne parlez jamais des manifestations qui se font en France, sauf dans d’autres pays 🙄🙄

  2. Jean Zidric Kolié :

    Cette usine se trouve en Taiwan oĂč en Chine ??

  3. Je trouve cela honteux la politique 0 Covid de la Chine, tout le monde devient taré!!

  4. 0:20 c’est mĂȘme plus une bombe lacrymogĂšne, c’est un tuyau d’arrosage U_u

  5. Y’a des manif pro unification des deux palestines

  6. Tiens personne pour demander le boycott d’Apple ?

  7. russie, chine, iran…

  8. Xi veut battre la covid, une guerre perdu d’avance. le peuple souffrira tant que ce tarĂ© et sa clique sont aux commandes.

  9. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  10. La raison de la protestation Ă©tait que l’usine avait mis en place une arnaque : ils ont indiquĂ© les salaires sur les informations de recrutement beaucoup plus Ă©levĂ©s que les salaires rĂ©els, puis ont modifiĂ© unilatĂ©ralement le contrat aprĂšs que les employĂ©s ont commencĂ© Ă  travailler. DerriĂšre cela se cache le problĂšme de la rĂšgle de loi en Chine. Le travail a toujours Ă©tĂ© un groupe vulnĂ©rable, et les soi-disant dĂ©partements concernĂ©s ne sont que des dĂ©corations.

  11. 00:19 Ah ok je ne savais pas que les français Ă©teignaient les feux avec des gaz lacrymogĂšnes đŸ€Ł

  12. C’est les dirigeants les tarĂ©

  13. le peuple est traiter comme des esclaves

  14. Foxconn, a Taiwanese company CHEATED, mismanaged the epidemic before and most of its employees were forced to flee. Later, they lured a group of workers from all over Henan with high salaries. When they arrived at Foxconn, they found that they had secretly changed contracts with low salaries AND There was no subsidy for those who were about to leave, which was promised before they arrive! AND they I found out that Foxconn reported to local CDC that these people had a positive result of COVID19, and they were given a red code and could not return to their hometowns immediately. They drove these people crazy, so people stood up and resisted. These white-clothed people are safty guard all hired by Foxconn to beat them with sticks.
    This is the dishonest culture of Taiwanese companies. Foxconn is just ONE of them. Unscrupulous Taiwanese businessmen who have made a lot of money in Zhengzhou relying on Dennis(which is another Taiwanese company) for decades since 1990s, but they never feedback to Henan people with kindness but only fake contracts.let them go back, LET evil corporations from democratic TAIWAN get out.

  15. La peste jaune..

  16. Foxconn, a Taiwanese company CHEATED, mismanaged the epidemic before and most of its employees were forced to flee. Later, they lured a group of workers from all over Henan with high salaries. When they arrived at Foxconn, they found that they had secretly changed contracts with low salaries AND There was no subsidy for those who were about to leave, which was promised before they arrive! AND they I found out that Foxconn reported to local CDC that these people had a positive result of COVID19, and they were given a red code and could not return to their hometowns immediately. They drove these people crazy, so people stood up and resisted. These white-clothed people are safty guard all hired by Foxconn to beat them with sticks.
    This is the dishonest culture of Taiwanese companies. Foxconn is just ONE of them. Unscrupulous Taiwanese businessmen who have made a lot of money in Zhengzhou relying on Dennis(which is another Taiwanese company) for decades since 1990s, but they never feedback to Henan people with kindness but only fake contracts.let them go back, LET democratic evil corporations get out.

  17. BelgiumMostWanted :

    esclavage 2.0

  18. L’iPhone 15 c’est pour quand đŸ€§

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