Covid-19 en Chine : fin des quarantaines obligatoires malgré la flambée des contaminations

La Chine mettra fin, le 8 janvier prochain, aux quarantaines obligatoires à l’arrivée dans le pays, dernier vestige de sa stricte politique sanitaire du « zéro Covid » qui isolait le pays depuis près de trois ans. Une décision qui intervient au moment où la Chine est fragilisée par une flambée de contaminations.
#Chine #Covid19 #Quarantaine

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  1. loup de la montagne Adamantine :

    Menteurs ils sont tous vaccinés…

  2. Flambée de contamination faut faire des mesures Forte merci pour votre info

  3. Les quarantaines la bas c’est 40 mois……………….😁

  4. Alexandre Rousselet :

    Pour le moment, pas encore terminé. Certains sont encore bloqué en quarantaine car positifs en arrivant en Chine.

  5. Preuve de plus que tout ça c’est du foin 😉

  6. la voix de la vérité :

    Le théâtre coronavirus est de retour .et les médias Complices sensibilisent la population monde pour accepter le mensonge

  7. éléphants lions rhinocéros ext reine lion :

    Xi. Jipping est il concient de ce qu.ils pourrai arriver si cela se propage comme en 2020 ??????????

  8. En temps normal, il y a 1,5 millions de morts par mois en chine.

  9. Very good reporting from Shanghai

  10. Arrêtez votre sketch de corona-folie!!! Bientôt tribunaux pour tous les coupables de cette folie!

  11. Sincèrement heureuse pour eux 🤗
    Je vous souhaite de retrouver une vie plus sereine avec moins de contraintes pour vivre normalement.
    Courage à vous

  12. chinh TRINH XUAN :

    Number One Exemplaire du Monde !….Courage & puissance !….

  13. Choula il y a des décès quand même
    …et on ne le dit pas …encore des erreurs humaines…

  14. Comme quoi avoir rendu la vie impossible aux citoyens pendant 3 ans n’a rien changé.

  15. Contaminé ne veux pas dire en réanimation….

  16. Conséquence normal après la levée des restrictions, tous les pays sont passés par la. Ça n sert à rien d’étouffer les gens.

  17. treatment for covid 19 :

    It might be sound weird and many people could take it as a joke but it is my two decades experience of the hellish pain of pneumonia and inflammation. I used to face respiratory infections severely I have faced unending inflammation for decades, a small scratch on my body used to become a huge wound that took months to get treated. Now it’s been three years I won’t face neither pneumonia nor inflammation. A human body does take 11 to 15 days to produce antibodies against any virus and a human body is capable to beat covid 19 too, but it needs time, now what I am going to tell you, it is a natural way to avoid the over inflammation and pneumonia. When antibiotics stopped working and doctors had no cure. I followed this Ayurvedik theory. I have a very sensitive body and if I eat a thing that is slightly inflammatory, my body becomes sensitive and I either face pneumonia or Inflammation severely. And if I control my eating habits, I face no problem. It took me more than 20 years to sort out these foods. Apply the following diet plan for eighteen to twenty days during covid 19 infection and you have no fear of any sort of pneumonia and inflammation. This might be an alternative to treat over inflammation and pneumonia without any medication.
    Non – inflammatory food list
    1. All the meaty products [everything, like eggs, pork, beef, mutton, chicken, fish etc.(eat them grilled or boiled or you can use pure butter clarified to cook them )] .
    2. Wheat and all the products that are made from pure wheat,( not biscuits, bread or cookies because they contain vegetables oil).
    3. Masoor dal.
    4. All the Dairy products (they must be made from pure animal milk like butter clarified, curd, cheese, fresh milk ).
    5. Turmeric powder, red chili powder , white sugar, sea salt,tea, butter clarified.
    6. Because a human body needs vitamin c, so to fulfil this need you should eat Lemon, apricot, green or red chillis, these things are non inflammatory too.
    Note- many people think and they have observed that the curd and lemon are inflammatory things but I make you sure they aren’t, because with the suggested diet plan , curd and lemon will never be inflammatory. (curd and lemon are not inflammatory things but when you eat something inflammatory, they act like catalyst.)
    The patient has to apply this diet plan very very strictly because consumption of a single fruit,dry fruit(except apricot),vegetable or vegetable oil, onion, garlic, ginger, green beans, green leaves(green leaves are slightly inflammatory) and all non suggested cereals , lentils and a little thing except the suggested diet may affect the whole result, so apply this thing strictly for eighteen to twenty days and see the result by yourself.
    Note- feed your infants with mother milk or pure animal milk with mixed apricot powder[ because animal milk doesn’t contain vitamin’ c’] (and search the history around you, an only breastfeeding child never gets pneumonia severely when I first got pneumonia I was three years old and I have searched this thing too. I didn’t get a signal child who had faced pneumonia under one year of age that been feeding only mother milk.) ( formula milk acts like a poison during the covid 19 infection because it contains vegetables oil .
    (if the patient follows this diet plan strictly his body acts over covid 19 like an ordinary person’s body does, he may get affected but never faces the worst.)
    (covid 19 is fetal for those patients whose body act overwhelmingly on covid 19 because if someone’s body doesn’t act overwhelmingly, it’s nothing but a different sort of comman cold for him , so this is the diet plan if you follow this diet plan your body never act overwhelmingly on covid 19 and you are safe). For some patients Inflammation is a problem that won’t have a perfect cure since ages. Now I make you sure that you can control your worst inflammation problem by controlling your eating habits. You don’t need to take a single antibiotic and asteroid but you need to control your eating habits very very strictly for 20 days and if you would do so your body never get over inflammation.(To understand this thing how covid 19 and other respiratory infections kills a patient search  » how covid 19 kills » on YouTube )
    Note : apply this diet plan strictly if you get affected otherwise eat everything what is healthy for you and wear a mask. 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇯🇴🇯🇴

  18. J’espère qu’ils vont pas nous faire comme en 2020.

  19. Nous sommes entrain de nous fairent 💥❗️

  20. Monique Vaillant :

    C’est surtout que tant que la population ne se révoltait pas, le gouvernement en a profité pour presser le citron un peu plus. Mais toutes les choses ont une fin.

  21. Xavier Cocheteau :

    Ils ouvrent au monde la maladie,on attend quoi pour bloqué tous se qui vient de chine ??

  22. La Chine n’a pas annoncé qu’elle délivrait de nouveau des visas touristiques. Donc pour Monsieur/Madame tout le monde, la Chine reste « fermée » !!!

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