New Russian army chief, Brazil’s storming of govt, Biden’s classified files, Brigitte Macron

Russia on the cusp of scoring its first battlefield win in months using infantry as cannon fodder for the taking of the salt mining town of Soledar. It is a key stepping stone to Bakhmut which then leads to the big rail and road hubs that link the Donbas to the rest of the country. Putin’s Wagner mercenaries purportedly posing in the salt mine. They seemed to jump the gun when they started claiming Tuesday that they and they alone had taken Soledar.
##Gerasimov ##BidenClassifiedDocuments #BrazilRiots

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  1. World Must Unite to Fight Western Fashizm

  2. what bs,bs,bs

  3. When is the FBI going to raid Biden’s homes because of classified documents?

  4. Your American say « in a room somewhere  » for Trump, were as Biden not a president had no right to have secret documents for 6 years

  5. *Storm! Storm! Storm!*

  6. Patrick Norton :

    You sure ignore facts about Biden’s documents. Not a « handful » but boxes full stacked over six feet. When Trump won the alerts went out to shred, hide, all compromising documents on Benghazi, Afghan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Russia hoax, illegal surveillances, foreign leaders assassination orders, News reporters are puppets. Do you believe 5 Secret Service agents needed 25 child sex workers at Colombia Summit with lines of white powder on glass table tops in open party rooms and surveillance cams in private rooms was just « baking soda » for heartburn relief? The CIA plane crash in Mexico with 4 tons of crack in the 80’s or Haiti assassins all had FBI passports, ID, and documents. As EU and US harvest widows and orphans from Ukraine and kill reporters school teachers

  7. Ana Gabriela Dantas :

    Worthless Soledar??? And all the mineral resources???

  8. Pavlo Viktorovich Kodenko :

    Now i get it!Brazilian people resisting support of chaotic russism,as the whole world should!

  9. school uniform is a simple thing for students of all classes of the society (poor kids don’t have to embarrass with cheap clothing and rich kids won’t be able to show off their expensive clothing). I have been in the us military for 20 yrs and wearing uniform everyday save me a lot of money on what to dress today like in the civilian world.

  10. Save the Amazon! Down with Dictators!

  11. Floyd Blandston :

    💕 Catherine !

  12. The west is taking there time to give Ukraine the equipment they need to win this war.

  13. Sandy McPartlon :

    Documents were planted by a disgruntled trump loyalist who wants a new world order. Who other than a Secret Service agent would have access to place these documents. Timing is questionable. Every low attempt has been made to undermine President Biden

  14. Fabio de Oliveira Ribeiro :

    Russia hires and pays private irregular troops. Putin fights with the commander of private irregular troops. And while Europeans believe that this conflict is important, the Ukrainian Nazis are being crushed without European journalists celebrating the defeat of the Nazis. Apparently Nazism is back in fashion in France. Is this a belated homage to the infamous Waffen Grenadier Brigade of the SS Charlemagne?

  15. India virus (Delta) origin of covid :

    So far any nation that stands against Russia and India

    Their representatives will be taken down

    Britain. Smh.

  16. India virus (Delta) origin of covid :

    Soon to be renamed the salt mine tombs.

  17. dillipinaction :

    The question of getting credit does not arise because Zelensky says Soledar has not fallen.

  18. Александр :

    Europa está del lado del hombre que prohibió el partido Comunista como Hitler, disolvió todos los canales de televisión y dejó un canal de televisión como Hitler, privó de la ciudadanía a 19 sacerdotes, privó de la ciudadanía a los líderes de los partidos de oposición. Ha Prohibido hablar en el idioma de millones de personas que viven en Ucrania. En Europa, los derechos de las minorías étnicas están protegidos por la ley, mientras que en Ucrania las leyes prohíben la enseñanza en ruso, que es su lengua materna. ¿De qué democracia hablas en Ucrania? ¿De qué libertad religiosa hablas? ¿De qué libertad de elección de idioma de enseñanza hablas?

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