Battle for Soledar: Ukraine says troops holding out despite Russian claims of victory • FRANCE 24

Ukraine said on Thursday its troops were still holding out despite heavy fighting on a battlefield covered with bodies in a salt mining town in eastern Ukraine, where Russian mercenaries have claimed Moscow’s first significant gain in half a year. France 24’s international affairs editor Philip Turle takes a closer look at the conflicting claims.
#Ukraine #Soledar #war

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  1. Pandu Sarijadi :

    Zelenskyy just promote the commanding general of Bakhmut into field Marshall ??

  2. zelensky should lay off the drugs soledar is gone.

  3. Copo mania!!!
    Love it.

  4. Oh common. The moment your enemy were able to step on your ground, there was failure on your part. That’s clear.

  5. Don’t worry. Ghost of Kiev will take care of the situation 🤣🤣🤣

  6. The Russian Liberation Army

  7. So where did russian army dissappear? 🤔 Why are we hearing only about Wagner?
    I’m worried

  8. Where did Surovikin dissappear? Is this because he made the remainings of the russian army dissappear? 🤔

  9. We all know Ukrainian army will win funny thing is waggner group is fighting better then russian army.

  10. Chadimir Putin :

    Soledar is the key to taking bakhmut and bakhmut is the key to taking the whole of the dombass, let the salty comments flow. 🤣

  11. Solidar has fallen.

  12. zelensky is winning in Disneyland

  13. Battle for Severodonetsk : Ukraine says troops holding out despite Russian claims of victory
    Battle for Mariupol : Ukraine says troops holding out despite Russian claims of victory

  14. I don’t believe Ukrainian president and his government I just feel bad for the Ukrainian people Ukrainian government just need to stop lying and face the reality enough with Propaganda

  15. From trying to take Kiev to solawhat? Russia has fallen as a country on the global stage. Why does Russia tell where they are going?😂

  16. If Russia says it, there’s a 98% chance it’s a lie.

  17. Mdumiseni Hlophe :

    Ukraine denies everything 🤣🤣🤣

  18. Ephys Whewners :

    of course they said that. despite there are no more ukranian troops on soledar.

  19. Volker R. 🇩🇪 :

    After taking Kreminna Ukraine will not only liberate northern Luhansk region but also all territory to the south. That means Popasna and Lissitschansk will fall and after that Soledar will be a solitaire in the middle of Ukraine.

    At least if Wagner misses to retreat there in time 😅

  20. If whats left of the Ukr cannon fodder there knew that they were surrounded and no hope of breaking out, they would have surrendered. Leaving them there to die to « buy time » just shows there is no humanity in the Ukr regime, only lies propaganda and money.

  21. Glory and victory to Ukraine

  22. Surovikin handed back Kherson 9 Nov , not Kharkiv

  23. Андрей Пивень :

    Soledar is taken. Ukrainian troops are in a village, west of the city.

  24. Ukrainian troops win in Soledar.Russian Wagner troops lost.. God bless Ukrainian troops..

  25. From the picture you can understand who won n who lost.

  26. These guys reported that Bahkmut is not important. Now what happened?

  27. Slobodan Paunovic :

    Propaganda Propaganda 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  28. Hahaha this guy 😢

  29. Lmfao holding out for what??? Soledar is well beyond captured….. zelensky should be protected kyiv….btw you’re guest host should come the town bar 🍻

  30. Bye Doctor Evil! Don’t go up the stairs and near a window!

  31. Volker R. 🇩🇪 :

    Ukraine has already set up new Defence lines along the River outside of Soledar. So Russia won’t get any further.

  32. Lmfao they are being totally detroyed.

  33. Ukraine is done. Western and Ukraine media need to stop the lies.

  34. This became clear that the significant of taking Soledar and Bahkmut is for propaganda use for Russia, and a victory for the leader of wagner group.. this victory in soledar will be a moral boost to the low moral Russian forces and even its ordinary people.

  35. Statement of Russian MOD is old..
    Update Update…????

  36. People believed in the Ghost of Keith but won’t believe that Wagner could have taken this town.

  37. The same was said during Mariopol
    Russia just crush the garden (Worstern West)
    India 🇮🇳 stands with Russia and not with liers(Chemical Weapons in Iraq)

  38. Александр :

    Die ukrainische Führung sagt zwei Monate jeden Tag, dass Russland keine Raketen mehr hat. Wir haben herausgefunden, dass das eine Lüge ist. Warum sollten wir an die großen Verluste Russlands glauben? Gestern berichtete CNN von katastrophalen Verlusten ukrainischer Soldaten.

  39. They’ve taken so much copium that they’ve developed immunity against it xD.

  40. Soledar and bakhmut already taken by Russia. You are behind

  41. Wagner group claim is not yet verified by Russian Defence Ministry. I believe Soledar is under Russian control but the cleaning Ukrainian forces is not completed.

  42. ‘Holding out’

    In other words, the surrounded, cutoff, overwhelmingly outnumbered Ukrainian troops haven’t been captured or killed yet. But, fret not, Ukraine will tell you when to report that they’ve lost.

  43. Russia has control and has surrounded Ukrainian troops in the city so technically they dont have full control but its a matter of time b4 they surrender

  44. They’re done.
    There’s nowhere to go.
    The best thing to do is to just surrender. It’s better than being blown to bits.

  45. Kharkiv is the only city Russia has captured since the start of the war, you say 🤨 Sooooo… are you saying that Donbas is pre-existent Russian territory?

  46. « we don’t know what’s going on » about the only sensible thing these people say.

  47. It is simple, Wagner group took most of Soledar, it is just the north western outskirts of the city that are still contested. Some of the Ukrainians who got surrounded some surrended keep fighting in the city center, Russians want them to surrender but most refuse. Because there is no way out, many will fight to the last man. This can take a while because it is urban fighting.

  48. Francuski telemarketer macrone niech zadzwoni do Putina i wyrazi swoje telefoniczne niezadowolenie.

  49. Kaliningrad is falling, threatening breakaway status.

  50. Terry Patrick Foster :

    How come you guys can’t get information from NATO forces they would know what’s going on with there spy planes flying up in Poland

  51. FlyingPharoah 486 :

    The Ukrainian denial 😂

  52. Pot calling the kettle black.

  53. How do you volunteer

  54. Bartholomew Shirima :

    Stop spinning the news Soledar is in full control of Russia.🤣🤣🤣🤣 since yesterday .STOP YOUR BS.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  55. Bartholomew Shirima :

    You also told us the nazis in mariopol catacombs/Azovstal were fighting verry hard and will liberate the city.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

  56. Boopathi@Dubai :

    Still this western believes this zelenskys

  57. hloniphani ntombela :

    Zelensky and putin are both propagandists

  58. If west world cared about Ukraine. They would have tried to prevent this war .but They knew pushing Ukraine to join NATO was a mistake.
    As seen with Georgia 2008

    NATO is Terrorist organization
    N – Notorious
    A – Atlantic
    T – Terrorist
    O – organization

  59. Seventh Anubis :

    Russia’s entire military budget is $66Bn. The US has spent $100Bn so far just in Ukraine. Russia’s diversions and attrition tactics are working and there is no way around them. Nuland and the CIA forgot about Crimea in the coup. Just like you forget there are also pro-Russian Ukrainians fighting against NATO.

  60. Stop the cap plz 🙏

  61. A great push is being made here because of the lack of progress in Bakhmut. Yes, they do need to « advertise » some sort of a Wagner group victory back home, but I still maintain that the main objective is getting to the prize Kramatorsk. That is a very significant transportation hub in the Donbas region. Once they have achieved that, then I would expect we will hear more from the Kremlin about starting « peace talks » so that they can solidify their gains in Donbas and make the claim back home to their people that they have completed their objectives. But that’s not going to happen.

  62. Ahiade Livingstone :

    American dog

  63. Billionaire Boys Forex :

    Holding because there’s no escape route

  64. Billionaire Boys Forex :

    Trapped and no way out…. doesn’t mean you’re holding back……
    You’re just Lion’s feed reserved for the next day…..

  65. Holding?

  66. ruzzia lying

  67. Looks pretty battered, not sure if anyone won.

  68. surrender is better than death.

  69. The same narrative was used by Zelensky when the Azov soldiers were hiding in the steel works. He claimed that they are still fighting because they fired a few shots. They eventually had to surrender after suffering huge losses. The same is happening in Soledar and Bakhmut where he is willing to sacrafice all his soldiers for PR sake. Everyone ask why is Russia so intent on capturing these two cities. The counter argument is why is Ukraine fighting to the last soldier to prevent Russia from taking the cities. It make one suspect that there are more stuff/facilities in the salt mines that Ukraine wants to hide.

  70. john andrew asaria :

    provide tank to Ukraine. Russia is so bored and even gave the task to Wagner to unleash terror.

  71. This channel is like the emperor’s new clothes 🙂

  72. ricardus lordhighexecutioner :

    What is with this comprehensive Mariupol denialism by Western commentators? We heard endlessly of how Kherson was the largest city captured by Russia (and then at times mention that Ukrainian traitors saw to that) when Mariupol was nearly twice as large! Are they crediting Mariupol to the Donetsk People’s Republic forces? Oh, but I thought these were Russian proxies under complete Russian control! In fact, to Western commentators, th DNR and LNR never existed!

  73. France shouldn’t speak on war having not won any since the invention of electricity or the birth of the American nation

  74. Alicia Kennedy :

    Ukraine running for their live

  75. I thought Russia was retreating 🤣🤣🤣

  76. Odessa is next 🤣🤣🤣

  77. Albert Chanakira :

    It now seems as if Bakhmut falls the moral of Ukraine will be ruined.

  78. Too much misinformation. This is the worst human catastrophe .
    Honestly in this century we can come to such a dilemma.
    My appeal to the so called powerful leaders is to rethink their positions regards Ukraine.

  79. Simply Soledad has fallen to the Russia and the west are shock after sending their military equipment to defeat Russia.

  80. Zelnskyii lie every time since become president

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